Student IDs, Lockers, and Lost and Found


Students will be issued one photo ID at the beginning of the school year.  Students are required to have their IDs with them during the school day and at school events (including dances).  When requested, students are to display their ID to staff personnel.  If the ID is defaced, lost, or damaged during the year, students are to purchase a replacement ID from their administrative office for $5.00.  Students who are in possession of specialized “swipe cards” are required to pay a $7.00 replacement fee if the card is defaced, lost, or damaged by other than normal use.


Lockers are the property of the school district. A student is assigned  to one locker for the duration of a school year for the purpose of storing school-related materials and such authorized personal items outer garments, footwear, grooming aids, and lunch.  All students are responsible for the contents of their lockers and should not divulge locker combinations to other students.

A student using a Band or Physical Wellness locker must provide a lock to be used during the semester in which he or she is enrolled in a Band or Physical Wellness course. Students are responsible for the contents of their lockers.  Students are also responsible for placing all valuables in a locker and locking it.  WOHS is not responsible for the loss or theft of money and valuables or is it responsible for the retrieval of said money or valuables.

Random searches of school lockers and their contents may be necessary to deter violations of school rules and regulations.  School administrators may search for and seize items within the locker that violate Board policy. 


If a student finds articles in or around the school, he/she should turn them in to the receptionist.  When appropriately identified, articles may be claimed by owners. If students cannot find a missing article, they should fill out a lost and found report form available from the security office.  All athletic losses must be reported to the athletic director's office.