Student Conduct and Discipline
Student Discipline and Student Conduct
Respect for law and for those persons in authority is an expectation for all students. This includes adherence to school rules as well as general provisions of the law regarding minors. Respect for the rights of others, consideration of their privileges, and cooperative citizenship shall also be expected of all members of the school community. The Board of Education acknowledges that conduct is closely related to learning and that an effective instructional program requires an orderly school environment, which is, in part, reflected in the behavior of students.
The following list is offered as a guideline of consequences for unacceptable behavior (but is not limited to), and is not intended to be all-inclusive. These policies are applicable to all school-related activities and also apply while the student is on school property, before or after school, en route to and from school on district provided transportation. Administrative discretion may be applied depending on the specifics of the infraction.
M.C.L.A. 380.1311
5500 Student Conduct
5600 Student Discipline
WOHS Behavior Matrix
The above matrix will be used as a set of guidelines when determining consequences for behavioral infractions. Before suspending or expelling for any offense (except for possession of a firearm), the following factors will be considered:
The student's age
The student's disciplinary history
Whether the student has a disability
The seriousness of the violation or behavior
Whether the violation or behavior committed by the student threatened the safety of any student or staff member
Whether restorative practices will be used to address the violation or behavior
Whether a lesser intervention would prolerly address the violation or behavior
The rules and procedures of the school are designed to allow each student to obtain a safe, orderly, and appropriate education. Students can expect their rights to freedom of expression and association and to fair treatment as long as they respect those rights for their fellow students and the staff. Students will be expected to follow teachers' directions and to obey all school rules. Disciplinary procedures are designed to ensure due process (a fair hearing) before a student is removed because of his/her behavior.
Parents have the right to know how their child is succeeding in school and will be provided information on a regular basis and as needed, when concerns arise. Many times it will be the student's responsibility to deliver that information. If necessary, the mail or hand delivery may be used to ensure contact. Parents are encouraged to build a two-way link with their child's teachers and support staff by informing the staff of suggestions or concerns that may help their child better accomplish his/her educational goals.
Students must arrive at school on time, prepared to learn and participate in the educational program. If, for some reseason, this is not possible, the student should seek help from their guidance counselor or assistant principal.
Student Code of Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct applies to any student who is on school property, at a school-sponsored activity, or in a school vehicle. The Code also applies to a student’s conduct at any time or place when or where it may interfere with or obstruct the mission or operation of the West Ottawa Public Schools, or the safety, welfare, or emotional well-being of students, visitors, or district employees.
Students are expected to be familiar with the Code of Conduct adopted by the Board of Education. Copies of the Code are available in the principal’s office. In addition, any conduct by a student, on or off district premises, which causes other students or employees to have reasonable fear for their physical safety or emotional well-being shall be the basis for short- or long-term suspension or expulsion from the West Ottawa Public Schools.
Generally, the district follows a system of progressive discipline, which is intended to assist students in developing the self-control necessary to comply with the Code of Conduct, Board policy, and state laws. This handbook, in some instances, describes the level of discipline that will be imposed for specific violations of this Code. However, the administration and the Board reserve the right to recommend or impose more serious discipline than that stated in this handbook in circumstances where there are aggravating factors or where the first-time violation is serious in nature. In other words, there may be circumstances in which the student’s first-time offense is deemed so serious that long-term suspension or expulsion will be recommended.
Students may not engage in name-calling, ethnic or racial slurs, or derogatory statements based upon another student’s race, color, national origin or ethnic background. Because such comments may precipitate the interruption or disruption of the school program, incite violence, or otherwise detract from the educational mission of the district, they are subject to disciplinary consequences, including, but not limited to, short- or long-term suspension or a recommendation for expulsion.
Participation in all extra-curricular activities, including interscholastic athletics, is a privilege, not a right. Students are bound by the Board’s policies, procedures, and roles governing participation in such activities. This extra-curricular involvement may require an even higher standard of conduct than is expected of all students under our Code of Conduct.
Student participation in graduation exercises is also a privilege, not a right. Senior students who violate Board policies and rules, in addition to the other discipline described in this Code of Conduct, may be subject to suspension from extra-curricular graduation activities such as commencement exercises.
All West Ottawa students shall comply with the following rules:
Students shall not engage in public displays of affection, which in any manner are detrimental to an atmosphere of learning.
Students shall not use tobacco products in any form on school grounds, in school vehicles, or at any school-related activity. Smoking of any substance is also prohibited.
Students shall not possess, use, dispense, or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs or synthetic drugs (ex. K2 or Spice) on school premises or at school activities, except as may be prescribed by a physician.
Students shall not throw any objects, which may in any way injure a person or property.
Students shall not cause or engage in fighting, physical attacks, or threats against other students, school employees, or other adults. Students are also prohibited from photographing or videoing fights. In addition, they shall not use profane language or display vulgar behavior.
Students shall not possess a weapon of any kind, any explosive device (including fireworks,) or commit arson in a school building or on the school grounds or rape someone in a building or on school grounds (reference: Section 1311 of Public Acts of 1976, as amended).
Students shall not misuse or destroy school property.
Students shall not engage in solicitation or distribution of any material without prior approval of the principal.
Students shall not loiter in the restroom areas or in other areas in school buildings or on school sites.
Students shall conduct themselves in a lawful manner and shall not engage in any conduct which is in violation of federal or state laws, local ordinances, or safety and fire codes, including theft, extortion, and possession of weapons or explosives. This includes creating a disruption, such as false alarms of any kind.
Students shall not drive a motor vehicle on school property except as permitted under the heading of "Student Driving" in the High School Handbook.
Students shall abide by the rules regarding the use of school property.
Students shall adhere to the rules and procedures regarding attendance and tardiness.
Students shall not engage in any act or conduct which tends to disrupt the atmosphere of learning.
Students shall comply with directives from administration, campus safety, and staff. Failure to comply will result in consequences for insubordination.
Students that continue to fail at compliance with any or several of the rules above will serve consequences for persistent disobedience.