Student Services

Student Services

Student Services is located in the receptionist area in each building. The receptionist handles lockers, lost and found items, student parking permits and drivers education registration.

Education of Students with Disabilities

It is the intent of the school district to ensure that students who are disabled within the definition of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (“IDEA)”) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504”) are identified, evaluated, and provided with appropriate educational services.

The school district provides a free appropriate education in the least restrictive environment and necessary related services to all students with disabilities enrolled in the school.  

For the provision of special education programs and services under the IDEA, the term “student with a disability” means a person between ages 3 and 26 for whom it is determined that special education services are needed.  A student who reaches age 26 after September 1 is a “students with a disability” and entitled to continue a special education program until the end of the school year.  

For purposes of complying with  Section 505, a “student with a disability” is a person who:

A copy of the publication “Explanation of Procedural Safeguards Available to Parents of Students with Disabilities” may be obtained from the school district office.

Cross Reference:  NEOLA 2460 Special Education, NEOLA 2460.02 Least Restrictive Environment Position Statement

Please visit West Ottawa Public Schools Student Service Department website if you have questions

Limited English Proficiency

Limited proficiency in the English language should not be a barrier to equal participation in the instructional or extra-curricular programs of the District.  It is, therefore the policy of this District that those students identified as having limited English proficiency will be provided additional support and instruction to assist them in gaining English proficiency and in accessing the educational and extra-curricular program offered by the District.  Parents should contact the Student Service Department at 616-738-5720 to inquire about evaluation procedures and programs offered by the District.

Homebound and Hospital Instruction

A student who is absent from school for an extended period of time, or has ongoing intermittent absences because of medical condition, may be eligible for instruction in the student’s home or hospital.

For more information on home bound or hospital instruction, please contact your counselor.

Personal Curriculum

A personal curriculum may be requested for a student that modifies certain areas of the Michigan Merit Standard requirements.  If all of the requirements for a personal curriculum are met, then a high school diploma may be awarded to a student who successfully completes his/her personal curriculum even if it does not meet the requirements of the Michigan Merit Standard.  Please contact your counselor or special education case worker if you are a student with an IEP for more information regarding Personal Curriculum.

Withdrawal From School

No student under the age of eighteen (18) will be allowed to withdraw from school without the written consent of his/her parent or guardian.


Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports is a team and on going culture within our building.  The PBIS team creates Tier 1, 2, and 3 interventions and supports to help all students achieve at their very best academic level.  For more information regarding what PBIS is, click here.  For more information on PBIS here at WOHS please contact Mrs. Brenner, Mrs. McComb, or Mrs. Jernigan