Bullying and Other Aggressive Behaviors


It is the policy of the District to provide a safe and nurturing educational environment for all of its students.  This policy protects all students from bullying/aggressive behavior regardless of the subject matter or motivation for such impermissible behavior.

Bullying or other aggressive behavior toward a student, whether by other students, staff, or third parties, including Board members, parents, guests, contractors, vendors, and volunteers, is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes written, physical, verbal, and psychological abuse, including hazing, gestures, comments, threats, or actions to a student, which cause or threaten to cause bodily harm, reasonable fear for personal safety or personal degradation.

Demonstration of appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment or bullying is expected of administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers to provide positive examples for student behavior.

This policy applies to all "at school" activities in the District, including activities on school property, in a school vehicle, and those occurring off school property if the student or employee is at any school-sponsored, school-approved or school-related activity or function, such as field trips or athletic events where students are under the school’s control, or where an employee is engaged in school business. Misconduct occurring outside of school may also be disciplined if it interferes with the school environment.


Sexual harassment and non-discrimination is unlawful under both Michigan and federal law and is contrary to the commitment of the West Ottawa Public Schools to provide an effective learning environment.  District policies prohibit sexual harassment and discrimination (Policy 5517) of students, employees, volunteers, contractors, or applicants for employment by students, employees, Board members, volunteers, or contractors.  The district will not tolerate sexually harassing or discriminatory behavior as defined by law and/or by district policy, false reports of discrimination and/or sexual harassment, or retaliation against persons reporting allegations of sexual harassment or cooperating in the investigation of such complaints.

Any student who believes she/he has been subjected to sexual harassment or discrimination shall verbally report the offense to any school employee with whom she/he feels comfortable or to the Civil Rights Compliance Officer located in the Administration Office of Student Services whose office phone number is (616)738-5720.  The employee receiving the verbal report shall immediately complete a Harassment or Non-Discrimination Report Form and forward it to the building principal.  Upon receipt of the Harassment or Non-Discrimination Report Form, the building principal shall immediately notify the designated district/central office administrator of the incident.  The building principal shall then form an investigation team.  Once the team receives the Harassment or Non-Discrimination Report Form, it shall complete an investigation, make a determination, and recommend the remedial steps necessary, if warranted, to stop the sexual harassing or discriminating behavior.  The team shall submit all investigative documentation and its determination and recommendations, in writing, to the building principal or supervisor.

The principal or supervisor shall notify the complainant and the alleged harasser, in writing, of the investigation team’s findings.  If no harassment or discrimination has been found, the notification must show objective, clearly stated evidence to justify that conclusion.  If harassment has been substantiated, the building principal or supervisor shall seek the victim’s input on what she/he thinks would be the most effective remedies, meet with the superintendent’s designee to determine the corrective remedy/remedies to be taken and begin implementing it/them, periodically monitor the situation by checking with both the victim and the perpetrator regarding the success of the remedy/remedies, and document all information in the case file.

For Title IX questions or concerns, please contact:

Jens Milobinski- Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources- Title IX Coordinator- 616-786-2082- milobinskij@westottawa.net