Restorative Practices

Our school incorporates restorative practices into our Discipline Code and Student Code of Conduct. At times, we use a combination of a restorative intervention and suspension in order to address the underlying cause of the misbehavior or conflict and provide accountability for all those involved.

Our school actively creates a positive school climate for all members of the school community through the regular and ongoing use of classroom and school-wide restorative practices that build community, strengthen relationships, promote inclusiveness, and enhance communication and problem solving skills.

Restorative discipline is a theory of discipline that emphasizes repairing the harm caused or revealed by misconduct rather than punishment. It does so by:

Preventative Measures and Practices

School-wide restorative practices include but are not limited to:

Teachers are encouraged to use restorative circles as a classroom teaching method to work collaboratively with students to set academic goals, explore the curriculum and set classroom norms for behavior, including:

Teachers, administrators, counselors, support staff and students themselves shall use restorative problem solving techniques that increase communication and provoke student reflection on how their actions impact others.