Counselors and Teachers


Services provided by the counseling department include, but are not limited to, the following: academic and personal counseling; advice to parents on educational and/or other issues; schedule planning; individualized educational plans; referrals to outside agencies, group counseling and support services; and consultations with teachers, school psychologists, and social workers.  To see a counselor, students can make appointments with the receptionist during their free time; however, emergency situations will be given top priority.  Counselors are assigned based on the first letter of a student's last name. 

North Counselors:

South Counselors:

For More information regarding our Counseling Services and Counseling Department please visit the West Ottawa High School webpage under "Counseling"

Students needing to make a counseling appointment need to see the north receptionist if you are a north based student or the main office in the south building if you are a south based student.


For contact information of all teachers please see list.