Academic Integrity
The administration and teaching staff believe that students have a significant responsibility in the area of honesty and integrity regarding all schoolwork. Teachers will do everything in their power to encourage individual effort from all students in their classrooms. Because of this belief, students who are caught cheating and using any form of plagiarism will face a variety of consequences ranging from failure of the work in question to loss of credit for the class.
Cheating is when a person misleads, deceives, or acts dishonestly on purpose. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which one person steals another person's ideas or words and falsely presents them as the plagiarist’s own product. There are many forms of plagiarism, including but not limited to:
Using the exact language of someone else without the use of quotation marks and without giving proper credit to the author
Presenting the sequence of ideas or arranging the material of someone else even though the material is expressed in one's own words, without giving appropriate acknowledgment
Submitting an assignment created or written by someone else but representing it as one's own
Unauthorized use of a electronic device to aide and use in cheating
The administration and teaching staff believe that students have a significant responsibility in the area of honesty and integrity regarding all schoolwork. Teachers will do everything in their power to encourage individual effort from all students in their classrooms. Because of this belief, students who are caught plagiarizing or cheating will face a variety of consequences ranging from failure of the work in question, to loss of credit for the class, to long-term suspension.
For more information regarding Academics at WOHS please visit our district website regarding academics.