Tardy Policy


It is the expectation of the school that instruction begin promptly after the bell rings.    Because arriving late to class is disruptive to the instructional process, students are expected to be in class on time.  Tardiness occurs when a student enters the classroom after the bell has rung.  A teacher will record an unexcused absence (Late) for any student who arrives more than 10 minutes late to class.  Students will not be allowed to make up work missed due to tardiness.  

​Click here for WOHS Attendance & Tardy Policy 


Administration and security will run tardy sweeps during the school day at random.  When this occurs, students caught in the sweep will be escorted to the receptionist desk, issued an after school detention, and returned to class.  All students caught in the sweep without a pass from their teacher will be issued an after school detention regardless of the number of tardies they have occurred in their classes.